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Monday 7 October 2013

Make a Man Fall In Love - 5 Powerful Strategies To Make Sure He Falls For You

by: Lucy OBrien

If you want to make a man fall in love with you then you need to know what works with men. Many women make the mistake in relationships of treating a man in a similar way to how they would treat another woman. Then this causes them problems when the man doesn't respond as they would expect. Men have very different attitudes around relationships and emotions so the things that a woman would expect to work often just don't. If you want to make a man fall in love here are 5 powerful strategies to help you avoid the mistakes that most women make and ensure he falls for you:

Make Sure You Put Yourself First

Put your self respect and your own interests before your relationship with him. Many women think that in order to get that guy, they have to meet his every request. They give and give until they are drained. They think if they give their all, then he will appreciate it and love them more. Now, this might work with women but it does not work with men. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, you need to be a little selfish.

A man will value you more and respect you if you put yourself first much of the time. This doesn't mean using him or taking advantage but it does mean having your own life and doing your own thing without him. It will drive him crazy if he spends time missing you and wondering what you are up to, or if he asks you out and you tell him you can't make it because you have something else on. Even if he complains, don't give in. If you can do this, he will feel less pressured and he really will appreciate you more.

Take Your Time to Build The Chemistry

Don't be in a rush. Take your time to build the chemistry. A man will only want to stay with you if he feels good in your relationship. Make sure that the time he spends with you is fun and enjoyable. Laugh together and have some activities that you can do together which you both enjoy. Whenever possible, accentuate the feminine in the way you act, dress and do your hair. He will love it if you are joining in his favourite outdoor activity one minute and then dressed like a lady the next. After spending quality time together, pull away slightly to let him miss you. When he feels good with you and has plenty of opportunity to miss you, he will start to fall madly in love with you.

Support His Goals and Missions

Even if these take him away from you, you have to learn to let him go willingly if you want him to fall in love with you. Men are generally project oriented and need the space to follow their goals. If you sulk or pout when he needs his own space, or try to pressurise him into seeing you more, he will feel trapped. Give him the space he needs and he will start to feel safe enough to open up to a relationship with you. Deny him this and he will flee like an animal escaping the cage.

Control Your Emotions

Emotions can be scary territory for men, and unfortunately, dating can be a time when many of these can be unleashed in a woman. To make a man fall in love with you, it is essential that you let him see that you are emotionally stable at the beginning of a relationship. If you allow him to feel the full weight of your emotions before he knows you properly, you will frighten him off. When he pulls away which every new man does, stay cool, don't panic and wait for him to return. If you want to keep him, you must stay in control at all times.

Less Talk - More Space

When issues arise, tell him once, then back off and give him plenty of space. This takes some restraint, but it is so powerful and works wonders with men. Never try to convince him with words, tears, or tantrums that he should love you, or should want to have a relationship with you, or should anything else for that matter. Words do not have the same effect on men that they do with women. He will simply tune you out and carry on with his own way of doing things. If things are not quite as you would like in your relationship, pull away and wait to see if he comes after you. If you are important to him, he will return to resolve your issues.

I have given you 5 powerful strategies and, if you use them, you will have a solid foundation on how to make a man fall in love with you. Forget what you have been doing already, if it hasn't been working for you. Incorporate these actions into your life to skyrocket your dating and relationship success.

What are the secrets to captivating your man and having him love and cherish you? How do you get him to listen to you, connect to you and get close to you? What makes a man want to get married, and how can you take advantage of his natural wish to please you so that he will not be able to do enough for you? Visit to find out all this and more. Alternatively, please feel free to visit my website for plenty of advice and tips on how to succeed at dating:

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