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Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Solution for Men's Pants that Won't Stay Up

by: Janine Giorgenti

Men's Natural Health Products No Butts About It!

If you have this problem, you are not alone. Six out of ten men suffer with the "lose my pants syndrome." Basically, their bellies are larger than their rear ends, making it almost impossible to keep their pants up where they belong. One man describes himself as the "ice cream cone-shaped Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners," wide in the middle, smaller in the hips, even smaller in the thighs... Hmm...Sound familiar?

Where Have All the Bottoms Gone?

As the waistline increases, the bottom appears smaller. Age and gravity also have a cruel, ravaging effect on once-plump derrieres. When the hips are smaller than the waist, there is nothing to anchor the pants, so they slowly work their way south. Men try to accommodate this by ratcheting up their belts. Some even resort to suspenders.

Men who have trouble keeping their pants up fear sitting, squatting, and moving about too freely. Their mind is always on keeping their pants up, as you see them walking around, constantly pulling and lifting, hoisting and tugging, in a vain effort to defy gravity. This is not only uncomfortable and unnerving, but gives a sloppy appearance.

Stock Men's Pants Miss the Mark

Off-the-rack men's dress pants are not designed with this build in mind. Manufacturers mistakenly miss the mark and cut for the so-called "ideal standard men's shape." Traditional men's pants are cut with a seven-inch ratio between the waist and seat. In other words, a size 36 pants would have a 36″ waist and a 43″ hip. This leaves many men who find pants that fit their waist with the "droopy drawers, parachute syndrome." Or if they find a pair of pants that fits their rear, they can't zip their fly. There has to be a better way.

The "Bottom Line" Solution

The real solution is to have pants custom made to fit and flatter your shape. Buying pants made to your waist and inseam measurements is not enough to address your fit challenges. Your pants should be designed to fit your waist, hip and thigh, as well as inseam and outseam measurements.

What Fabric Is Best?

Casual pants should be made of a good quality cotton twill, chino or poplin. Many pants today have 3% Lycra for added comfort and stretch. For dress slacks, choose high-quality wool fabrics such as gabardines or sturdy file weaves. Look for a high yarn count such as Super 100's to Super 130's so that they hold their crease, shape and wrinkle less. Wool blends are okay if they are made of quality yarns.

What Should the Style of the Pants Be?

The style should be a simple, flat front or single-pleated to eliminate bulk. The pants should not be tight, but should be a trim cut, especially in the thigh area, continuing down to the knee.

There should be a rubberized strip in the waistband for friction and to keep your shirt from pulling out of your pants. Suspender buttons should be included for braces (suspenders), if desired. Cuffs can be optional, as well as preferred pocket details.

So now you know! There is no need to struggle with dress pants that won't stay in place and just don't fit your frame. Have your pants custom designed for your build and they will look nicer on you, stay in place and feel much more comfortable.

Copyright (c) 2008 Janine Giorgenti

Janine Giorgenti is a renowned fourth generation Italian designer, image consultant and custom clothier. Visit her website at for more style advice and fashion tips.

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Monday 7 October 2013

Make a Man Fall In Love - 5 Powerful Strategies To Make Sure He Falls For You

by: Lucy OBrien

If you want to make a man fall in love with you then you need to know what works with men. Many women make the mistake in relationships of treating a man in a similar way to how they would treat another woman. Then this causes them problems when the man doesn't respond as they would expect. Men have very different attitudes around relationships and emotions so the things that a woman would expect to work often just don't. If you want to make a man fall in love here are 5 powerful strategies to help you avoid the mistakes that most women make and ensure he falls for you:

Make Sure You Put Yourself First

Put your self respect and your own interests before your relationship with him. Many women think that in order to get that guy, they have to meet his every request. They give and give until they are drained. They think if they give their all, then he will appreciate it and love them more. Now, this might work with women but it does not work with men. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, you need to be a little selfish.

A man will value you more and respect you if you put yourself first much of the time. This doesn't mean using him or taking advantage but it does mean having your own life and doing your own thing without him. It will drive him crazy if he spends time missing you and wondering what you are up to, or if he asks you out and you tell him you can't make it because you have something else on. Even if he complains, don't give in. If you can do this, he will feel less pressured and he really will appreciate you more.

Take Your Time to Build The Chemistry

Don't be in a rush. Take your time to build the chemistry. A man will only want to stay with you if he feels good in your relationship. Make sure that the time he spends with you is fun and enjoyable. Laugh together and have some activities that you can do together which you both enjoy. Whenever possible, accentuate the feminine in the way you act, dress and do your hair. He will love it if you are joining in his favourite outdoor activity one minute and then dressed like a lady the next. After spending quality time together, pull away slightly to let him miss you. When he feels good with you and has plenty of opportunity to miss you, he will start to fall madly in love with you.

Support His Goals and Missions

Even if these take him away from you, you have to learn to let him go willingly if you want him to fall in love with you. Men are generally project oriented and need the space to follow their goals. If you sulk or pout when he needs his own space, or try to pressurise him into seeing you more, he will feel trapped. Give him the space he needs and he will start to feel safe enough to open up to a relationship with you. Deny him this and he will flee like an animal escaping the cage.

Control Your Emotions

Emotions can be scary territory for men, and unfortunately, dating can be a time when many of these can be unleashed in a woman. To make a man fall in love with you, it is essential that you let him see that you are emotionally stable at the beginning of a relationship. If you allow him to feel the full weight of your emotions before he knows you properly, you will frighten him off. When he pulls away which every new man does, stay cool, don't panic and wait for him to return. If you want to keep him, you must stay in control at all times.

Less Talk - More Space

When issues arise, tell him once, then back off and give him plenty of space. This takes some restraint, but it is so powerful and works wonders with men. Never try to convince him with words, tears, or tantrums that he should love you, or should want to have a relationship with you, or should anything else for that matter. Words do not have the same effect on men that they do with women. He will simply tune you out and carry on with his own way of doing things. If things are not quite as you would like in your relationship, pull away and wait to see if he comes after you. If you are important to him, he will return to resolve your issues.

I have given you 5 powerful strategies and, if you use them, you will have a solid foundation on how to make a man fall in love with you. Forget what you have been doing already, if it hasn't been working for you. Incorporate these actions into your life to skyrocket your dating and relationship success.

What are the secrets to captivating your man and having him love and cherish you? How do you get him to listen to you, connect to you and get close to you? What makes a man want to get married, and how can you take advantage of his natural wish to please you so that he will not be able to do enough for you? Visit to find out all this and more. Alternatively, please feel free to visit my website for plenty of advice and tips on how to succeed at dating:

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Sunday 6 October 2013

Why Can't Women Approach Men?

by: Joseph Matthews

I bet this is familiar to you...

A guy stands at a bar, surveying the scene for a woman he finds attractive. He's got his drink in his hand, trying to work up enough "liquid courage" to make his move.

He sees more than a few girls he'd like to meet. Maybe even a few of them notice him and send him a few "subtle signals" to let him know it's okay to approach.

Unfortunately, most guys may not pick up on those "subtle signs" and wind up standing there, drink in hand, wondering when the courage to approach will overtake them.

Wouldn't it just be easier if the girl would approach the guy?

The answer is: YES! In a perfect world, the girl would approach the guy, and all uncertainty would be eliminated.

But this is a fairy tale. I'd say 98% of the women out there would never approach a guy - even if they find him attractive. And thinking that this is actually a POSSIBILITY is a major reason why most guys end up going home alone at the end of the night.

Here is a very simple FACT:

If you like a girl, and you're waiting around for her to approach you, you will be waiting a very, VERY long time!

Of course, this is a very frustrating reality for most men - especially shy men who desperately cling to the fantasy of a woman walking up to them and professing their undying love.

"If only it was easier!" They lament. "Why do men have to be the ones to approach women?"

To me, this question is like complaining "Why does the sky have to be blue? Why can't it be red?" The fact of the matter is this - it just is the way things are.

As to the question of WHY men have to be the ones to approach women, and not the other way around, we have to look at how our culture and tradition have shaped the way women are taught.

Historically, women have been extremely sheltered from men. A man with a daughter would want to keep her a virgin until marriage, so in order to court the girl, it was up to the man to take action because the woman would be sheltered by her father, her brothers, and any other male (and female) family members there may be.

This goes back to biblical times, where women were considered a "burden" because they could not perform hard manual labor or inherit wealth, such as sons were able to do.

Back then, if the woman was not a virgin, or worse, had a child out of wedlock, she was considered unworthy for marriage. That left the father caring for her the rest of his life.

Not exactly the ideal situation for the father, so as you can see, there was ample reason to keep his daughters "sheltered."

As time went on, and women became less sheltered, there was still a stigma attached to women who were too "forward." Women don't want to be shamed by being called a "slut" or a "tramp," so from a social perspective, women approaching men was always a big no-no. This doesn't stop women for letting their interest be KNOWN, but it does keep some of them from being too forward with their desires.

In the 80s, this was reversed for a while and feminist the world over said it was okay for a woman to ask a man out. However, once women saw how much it sucked to ask someone out and get rejected, they just stopped doing it. There's a reason that trend never caught on.

Unfortunately, though women seemed to come to their senses, due to the media exposure over the trend, I don't think many men caught onto the idea that women decided not to peruse this type of courtship. So now, we have a situation where it is okay for a "modern woman" to ask a man out. But just because it's okay to do something, doesn't mean people will do it.

Every time a guy comes to me and wants to understand why he has to be the one to approach a woman, I tell him to read the book "The Rules." It's basically a "pick up guide for women." But it has some very interesting psychology in it that men can learn a lot from. (I know that reading this book personally helped me understand a lot about the way women think!)

Basically, according to this book, a woman feels that if a man doesn't approach her, he's not attracted to her. So it's just easier to deal with the guys who approach because then they can decide whether or not they like them. After all, it's always preferable to go for a sure thing, right?

However, who are most of the guys who have no problem approaching women? Jerks and butt-holes! That's why most women have poor opinions about men, because the good ones are too scared or shy to approach, giving free reign to the self-absorbed morons who give our gender a bad name.

So if you look at it from a woman's perspective, allowing men to approach them is a preferable position to be in.

But let me say this - having the responsibility to approach women is actually a GOOD thing from a guy's perspective as well.

Sure, rejection and uncertainty suck. But we get to choose who we approach and only go after women we like. These poor girls who have to stand around and wait to be approached get losers walking up to them every day, using cheesy pickup lines and doing stupid things to try and impress them. If you were in their position, you'd probably get sick of it too.

This is one of the reasons I focus on approaching so much. Knowing how to effectively approach women really does empower you. It gives you ultimate choice in your love life.

Waiting for a woman to approach you is like waiting for Godot. It ain't never gonna happen. And if it does, the woman is either a "professional" or she'll most likely cheat on you the first chance she gets and break your heart.

That's just the way it goes. But instead of hating things the way they are, accept them and use them to your advantage! It's much easier than despairing about it and wishing things were different.

When you find yourself at a bar, drink in hand, remember that the choice is yours. Be GLAD you have that choice yourself, and have fun with it.

Meeting women doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it SHOULDN'T be! It needs to be an enjoyable process. And the sooner you stop hating things "the way they are" and accept things as "the way they need to be," you can start having more fun and much more success in your love life.

Get Joseph Matthew's free How To Meet Women newsletter and skyrocket your success with women right now: Nowhere else will you find better, more powerful techniques on meeting women that are sure to work for any man. Go here now:

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Friday 4 October 2013

Calf Exercises for Men

by: Milburn olin

The first portion of a complete body sculpting routine for men is the upper body routine. Because many men are already comfortable with exercise for this area of the body, it's generally the part of the body that's well-defined and toned.

The calf is made of two main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, nicknamed in some languages "the twins". They manipulate the Achilles tendon - that's the big tendon just above your heel, behind the ankle - to produce the movements of the foot and toes.

One of the problems with bodyweight training programs is that your weight can sometimes be too heavy or too light. Take squats for instance. For most people their body weight won't provide enough resistance to get a good workout within a 'normal' repetition range.

Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate.

These exercises for skinny guys emphasize working on the whole body, using compound exercises to build up several muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises are more efficient in building muscle mass since no muscle group is left behind in the work out.

Another way to tone up and bulk up your lower body muscles is to do dead lifts. The concept is simple. Just lift the weight with both your arms. Dead lifts are a great way to tone your arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips, butts, abs, thighs, calf muscles and everything in between.

One of the best leg exercise that you can do with your bodyweight. This will make you become more stable and challenge your leg strength, endurance, balance and agility. In a standing position, raise one leg out as straight as possible in front of you, and squat down on one leg until your thigh touches your calf.

Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calfs, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope!

Movements that involve deep concentration and create lots of burn are the best leg exercises for women. These include: leg extensions, leg curls, abductors, lunges (side and front), calf raises. Squats and leg presses are popular leg movements, but if you get too over-zealous you might be looking at a larger set of legs or bigger butt.

Studies done at the Baylor University Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory showed that 30-minute workouts raised the heart rate of women and men to about 65 percent of their maximum. Thirty minutes was enough time to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Begin your fitness session with a five to ten minute stretching and warm up, and finish by cooling off for another five minutes. And then in the course of the rest of that session, make your workouts relatively brief. Your standard exercise sessions ought not last greater than 30 to 45 minutes.

The main reason why most people fail to build calves is they simply do not train them hard enough. Think about it. Your calves handle your body weight while standing, running, and walking and doing just about any other physical activity. This means they are already used to lots of stimulation and will only respond to super heavy weights.

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Thursday 3 October 2013

Top 10 Male Enhancement Herbs

by: Serj Sagan

Last time I was at a local Walgreens I noticed that they carry hundreds of different herbs that claim to do amazing things. If I was to take all of them, not only would I be super smart, but I would also have sexy skin, a six pack stomach, great hair, be an amazing lover, and all of the women would want me just by smelling my “pheromones.” I doubt that I can have all of that just by taking some pills, but as amazing and unrealistic as the claims are, there are definite benefits to certain herbs. We all know that Ginkgo is for mental alertness and Echinacea is for immunity strength, but what herbs are best for male sexual performance? We will discuss the top ten male enhancement herbs here and finish with a few to avoid.

1. GINKGO BILOBA LEAF – I wanted to start with ginkgo because it is commonly thought of as an herb to help with memory and brain function. This is in fact correct, however only covers one scope of the herb's benefits. Ginkgo works by expanding the capacity of blood flow through your veins and arteries therefore that effect benefits many parts of the body from the increased oxygen supply to the brain, which allows better brain function, to fuller and harder erections as more blood is supplied to the penis.

A few concerns with ginkgo are, because of the increased blood flow, those with bleeding disorders, especially those whose blood fails to coagulate on a wound, should take more precaution as more blood flow will slow the coagulation process. The second concern is for those who prefer ginkgo biloba seeds over the leaf. Uncooked ginkgo biloba seeds have shown some small levels of toxins, so if you prefer the seeds it is advised to cook them prior to ingestion. Finally, as with any new addition to your diet, some people have claimed a minor upset stomach and diarrhea.

The recommended concentration is 24% flavones and 6% terpene lactones. The usual dosage is 120mg to 160mg per day.

2. EPIMEDIUM LEAF EXTRACT – The next herb is epimedium leaf or commonly known as horny goat weed. The origins of epimedium is from goat herders who noticed that when their flock ate the weed their sexual activity was noticeably increased, thus the name. Discovery Channel did a study on horny goat weed. They found that it is the number one most prescribed solution to sexual dysfunction by professional doctors in China. Although little is known about how horny goat weed actually works, it has shown significant increases in libido and vitality in both men and women, restore sexual function in men, and help with discomfort during menopause in women.

To this day there have not been any known side effects with horny goat weed, other than the typical minor upset stomach and diarrhea when something new is added to your diet.

It is recommended that your intake of horny goat weed is concentrated enough to have at least 10% icariin. Generally 1000MG to 2000MG is a sufficient daily dosage.

3. HAWTHORN BERRY – The hawthorn berry is another herb that is generally used to treat one concern, yet its benefits extend further. The hawthorn berry is primarily used to treat heart problems. It strengthens the heart allowing it to pump more blood. This, of course, translates into more blood flowing into your penis. Thus allowing for harder, fuller erections and increased pleasure from orgasm.

A few concerns with the hawthorn berry are that studies show that it does lower blood pressure a little bit so if you have very low blood pressure you may need to consult with a physician. And as usual some have reported a minor upset stomach and diarrhea.

The daily recommended dosage for the hawthorn berry is 160mg to 900mg concentrated to 2% to 3% flavonoids or 18% to 20% oligomeric procyanidins.

4. SAW PALMETTO BERRY – The saw palmetto berry is a berry that is commonly used for urological problems. The most common use for it is to bring an enlarged prostate back to regular size. However most studies indicate that long term use (12 months or more) of saw palmetto also eased urination and increased sexual function significantly.

One of the few things about saw palmetto berries is that although there have been many studies done on saw palmetto, there have not been any reported side effects, none even complained about upset stomach or diarrhea.

320mg per day standardized to not less than 85% fatty acids is the recommended dosage for saw palmetto berries.

5. CATUABA BARK EXTRACT – The catuaba is a Brazilian, primarily in the Amazon rainforest, tree whose bark has been used for thousands of years as an all around nervous system revitalizer. It restores your nervous system function bringing about increased brain function, reduced nervousness, better sleep and improved sexual function. This is the herb that has helped the 60, 70, 80 even 90 year olds in Brazil have a healthy sex life naturally.

There are no known side effects with catuaba except the occasional upset stomach and diarrhea when it is first introduced to the diet. The main concern is that you are actually purchasing real catuaba bark, as there are several exporters who export the bark as catuaba, but it is in fact from the wrong tree. There are 2 forms of catuaba tree that supplies the actual bark that is medicinally known for its benefits and the scientific names for these two is Erythroxylum catuaba and Trichilia catigua.

The standard daily dose is 1000mg to 2000mg. There has not been any standardization of the extract’s concentration.

6. MUIRA PAUMA BARK EXTRACT – The muira pauma is another rainforest tree found in South America and Africa. This plant’s benefits also focus on the nervous system to treat various ailments such as paralysis, beri-beri, rheumatism, grippe, and cardiac and gastrointestinal weakness, baldness and sexual dysfunction, such as impotence, infertility and menstrual disturbances.

There are no reported side effects from muira pauma except the occasional upset stomach and diarrhea when it is first introduced to the diet. It is also commonly exported as muira pauma bark extract from a similar tree whose bark does not have the same medical benefits, the scientific name for it is Liriosma ovate, so be sure that before you purchase muira pauma that it does not come from this tree.

The recommended dosage is 1500mg daily and there are no concentration standards for the muira pauma bark extract.

7. CUSCUTA SEED EXTRACT – The cuscata is commonly known as dodder plant and it is commonly used to increase sperm production and its fertility. New research has shown that it helps with treating impotence.

There are rumors that cuscuta seed extract, when ingested in high quantities, caused lack of sleep. There are no case studies showing this effect as the studies done use standard dosages when administering it. There have also never been any claims of upset stomach or diarrhea with cuscuta seed extract.

The recommended dosage is 10g to 15g boiled in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes, some have said to increase that dosage up to 25 grams of cuscuta seed extract in 3 cups of water each day. It is standardized to 2.5% flavonoids.

8. ASIAN GINSENG – There are several kinds of ginseng available on the market today, but the one that shows the most sexual function benefit is the asian ginseng. It is commonly used to restore energy both physically and mentally and in sexual function it has a significant benefit in preventing premature ejaculation.

Asian ginseng has similar side effects as other forms of ginseng which include difficulty falling asleep when taken in large quantities and an upset stomach when it is first introduced to the diet.

A daily dosage is 200mg to 600mg, standardized to contain 4% to 5% ginsenosides.

9. TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS – The tribulus terrestris is a plant native to the warm climates of southern Europe and Asia, throughout Africa and in northern Australia, although it is found in North and South America as well now. Its primary use is for the purpose of increased sex drive by restoring hormone levels to normal range, primarily testosterone.

There are no reported side effects from tribulus terrestris except the occasional upset stomach when it is first introduced to your diet.

750mg per day is the recommended dosage of tribulus terrestris, standardized for at least 30% to 45% steroidal saponins (furostanol).

10. DAMIANA – Damiana is found primarily in Central and South America. It is recorded being used as early back as the ancient Mayan civilization to prepare for lovemaking. Today it is used to relieve headaches, control bed wetting, better control of the muscles in the urinary tract, as an aphrodisiac and to enhance orgasms.

There are no known side effects of damiana even the upset stomach that is common to new ingredients being added to your diet is unheard of.

The recommended dosage is 750mg to 1000mg per day. There is no standardization for damiana.

All of the above herbs have been listed as Class 1 safe on the US government website when taken in recommended dosages. However I wanted to make you aware of an herb that is very popular for male enhancement, but it has a serious side effect. The bark of the Yohimbe (aka Yohimbine) tree is known for its potency in increasing sexual function however it can and very often does cause very serious damage to the liver. In fact it is banned for import in several different countries. Please use caution when taking this herb, especially if already have liver problems.

You will find that all of the above herbs when taken alone will improve your sexual functionality, but when they are combined the effects are compounded. So next time you walk into Walgreens, or who ever your supplier is, you will be able to better distinguish between at least a small section of the natural supplements isle and enhance your love life considerably.

National Institute of Health
University of Maryland Medical Center
Discovery Health
David Mendosa
Raintree Nutrition

Serj Sagan is the CEO and owner of the male enhancement company that is dedicated to find the real truth about male enhancement products and its manufacturers and expose that truth to the consumer. Copyright 2008 Serj Sagan of Male Enhancement Research. This article may be freely distributed as long as this resource box stays attached.

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Wednesday 2 October 2013

Anti Wrinkle Cream For Men - Get the Facts

by: Dorothy A. Pela

Some of you might wonder whether such a thing as anti wrinkle cream for men even exists. You see, skin care has traditionally been associated with women. Caring for their skin has not been a priority for men, since it conflicts with the "mucho" stereotype of a rugged, manly face.

However, times are changing and men's attitude towards skin care has changed as well. Over the past year, men's skin care has experienced a phenomenal growth. Some statistics show that men's skincare products grew by 16% last year, compared to only 5% for all other skin care product lines.

Although their basic structure is the same, there are some subtle differences between male and female skin.

To start with, men's skin tends to be more oily and thicker than women's skin. Also, the male skin is more prone to irritation and inflammation. This is caused by shaving and the fact that men are more exposed to the harsh conditions of outdoor activity.

Generally speaking, it is true that women are more vulnerable to the effects of aging, especially after menopause when the level of estrogen, a female hormone, is dramatically reduced.

On the other hand, this does not mean that men's skin does not need to be looked after. Which man these days wouldn't like to see a younger fresher image of himself in the mirror each day, rather that an old, wrinkly one?

In order for a men's wrinkle cream to be truly effective, it should cater for these special differences. So, if you are a man and care about your skin, you shouldn't just grab any face cream from the shelf and expect it to do the job!

When I was looking for a men's wrinkle cream for my husband, I came across a wonderful ingredient which I would like to tell you about. Ever since he tried a cream that contained it (after a little bit of effort on my part to convince him I must say), his skin's overall tone and texture has improved and some fine wrinkles on his forehead that started to appear are now much less marked.

This ingredient is called Cynergy TK. This is quite a new breakthrough in skin care. Clinical studies on human volunteers have proved beyond any doubt that this stuff can really do wonders for your skin.

It contains proteins such as zinc protein complexes which are useful both for the repair and maintenance of your skin. In addition, it contains copper protein complexes which help your skin maintain its health and reinforce its ability to heal itself.

As I mentioned above, shaving is an activity which irritates and produces inflammation on men's skin. If this inflammation is not treated over time, then it causes damage to the underlying protein structure of your skin.

Cynergy TK is ideal for this kind of problem. It is proven that it blocks PGE2 (a substance produced when your skin is irritated) production. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that it can block up to 70% of PGE2 production!

Apart from Cynergy TK, there are a lot of other ingredients out there which can bring about amazing results, if they are contained in an anti wrinkle cream for men.

If you are more interested to read about these ingredients and the products I personally recommend after extensive research, please visit my website.

Dorothy A. Pela has been using and researching about natural skin care products for a long time. Visit her site now to learn everything you need to know about the latest breakthroughs in natural skin care:

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Tuesday 1 October 2013

Of Monsters and Men - Little Talks

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How Ugly Men Date Beautiful Women

by: Joseph Matthews

It's truly unfortunate that everyone, at one point in time, has felt unattractive. Reasons may vary, but it's a sad fact that even the most beautiful woman has finds flaws about themselves that made them feel ugly.

For men - their visual nature can often times make them very critical of their own appearance. There is always something that makes us feel as though we are ugly.

Maybe it's the fact that we are too short, or fat, or bald, or old? There are any number of factors that make us feel "unworthy" of the attentions of beautiful women.

But if that was the case - no one would ever be able to attract a woman at all!

In fact, the next time you're out, take a mental note of every guy you see with an attractive girl, and try and appraise whether or not you think that guy's looks are worthy of the girl he's with.

Sure, sometimes you'll find a guy who's with a girl and they are both fine credits to their species. But most of the time, what you'll find is the guys with really hot and appealing women range from "average" to "ugly" in the looks department.

That's because beauty - in men - is the exception, not the standard.

But more than that, men rely on factors OTHER than their looks to help attract women to them.

There are three major factors that most men try and utilize to the best of their ability when attracting new and exciting women to them. They are:

1. Wealth

2. Social Status

3. Personality

Let's go through these one at a time...

The first factor, wealth, is fairly obvious. Women like rich men. Understand that being a "provider" is what this represents. You'll get their attention for sure, and what woman doesn't want to be secure and pampered?

However, there is a big problem with this tactic. First of all, not everyone is rich or wealthy, so this factor is reserved for the few that are. More than that, women often feel like you're trying to "bribe" or "impress" them with your wealth, and because of that, they will treat you more like an ATM machine with feet, rather than a loving, caring, mate.

Understand, there is nothing really wrong with using financial success as a tactic. Be aware of the pitfalls and make sure you actually have the money to do so.

The second factor is social status. Women are very attuned to the social hierarchies of things, so having a "high status" around women definitely makes any man more attractive.

This status comes from holding a certain position of power. It could be an important job, some type of fame, or just the esteem of your peers.

However, one of the difficulties with this is that you need to be able to display social status. You can't just tell someone "I'm a very important person" and have them believe it. They have to get a sense of it themselves, and sometimes your situation is not conducive to communicating this (like meeting a woman on the street for instance. She has no idea who you are!).

Also - not everyone has a high social status. Some people are content with maintaining a medium to low level status. Where does that leave these people?

With the THIRD factor - that of Personality. The thing I like about personality is that it's something EVERYONE can use to attract the kind of women they desire, and it doesn't matter how much money you make or what your social situation is like.

Having an attractive personality is the best way for "average" or "unattractive" men to get women interested in them. Being able to make a woman laugh will turn her on more than a guy with big muscles and a full head of hair.

Understand that women are slaves to their emotions, and your personality is the method by which you trigger emotions inside a woman!

The better your personality, the better you're able to make a woman feel.

And your personality is something that can be changed and cultivated over time. You can make yourself into anything you want to be! It's truely amazing how some "losers" can become "rockstars" in the eyes of their friends and the women they like just by tweaking their personality a little bit.

So how do you do this?

The first step is to really work on your confidence. The more confident you are, the better you're able to display your personality.

Working on your social skills will also help you to be relaxed and have fun around women. This will create new opportunities for attraction.

And learning how to create strong emotional bonds is also the best way there is to get a woman emotionally attached to you.

Learn these three techniques, and you'll be able to gain the heart of any woman you want. It doesn't matter how you look either!

Get Joseph Matthew's free How To Meet Women newsletter and skyrocket your success with women right now: Nowhere else will you find better, more powerful techniques on meeting women that are sure to work for any man. Go here now:

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Sunday 29 September 2013

What is the Best Men's Facial Cleanser for Soothing Irritated Skin?

by: Therese Higgins

Have you ever imagined that skin care products for men would be one of the fastest growing markets in the country? The fact is, more and more men are realizing that skincare isn't about's about health.

In addition to eating right and exercising, men understand that taking care of their skin plays a vital role in looking and feeling their best. Clean skin is the starting point for any healthy skin care program...female or male.

While men's facial cleanser is widely available, you should know that some are better than others. And I'm not referring to price.

The key to finding the best skin care products, including men's facial cleanser, is to make sure they contain high concentrations of natural, bio-active ingredients. The "natural" basis of these ingredients is vital to interacting with the molecular makeup of your skin.

In the past men used harsh bar soaps to make sure their skin was "squeaky clean." That squeaky clean condition was the result of all their natural oils being stripped out. The discomfort from this dryness was, more than likely, remedied with a thick lotion or cream made up of heavy, petroleum-based oils that clog the pores and don't allow the skin to breathe.

Today, the goal of any skin care product should be to support the underlying structure of your skin. This structure is made up of two important proteins, elastin and collagen.

Healthy skin is capable of manufacturing high levels of these substances. This translates into smooth, firm skin that reflects an even tone and youthful texture. So what does that have to do with natural ingredients?

Think of these bio-active substances as healing therapy for your skin cells. When you use men's facial cleanser that contains ingredients like Kaolin (an extract of a special New Zealand clay) or bentone gel, the dirt and grime on your face is gently pulled out and replaced with non-greasy, natural emollients and oils like active Manuka honey and shea butter.

These highly effective natural substances enter the skin cell where they hydrate, nourish and stimulate healthy skin cell function - producing healthy levels of collagen and elastin.

But the therapy doesn't stop there. When you use a men's facial cleanser that contains Kaolin and bentone gel, inflamed and irritated skin is soothed and healed by the mild drying and disinfecting properties contained in these substances. Men who suffer from irritated skin as a result of shaving know the value of having an effective treatment for this uncomfortable skin condition.

Of course, healthy male skin care goes beyond just cleansing the face. However, with any male skin care product, such as men's facial cleanser, you will always get the healthiest results if you stick to products that have been clinically developed and tested for the best, nature-based ingredients.

If you visit my web site you can read more about what I've learned about skin care nutrients and ingredients that apply to both men and women for looking their best.

This article was written by dedicated skin care researcher, Therese Higgins, who says, "Knowledge is power. Learn how to identify the best men's facial cleanser by knowing which bio-active ingredients to look for. You will find them at

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Friday 27 September 2013

Men Skin Care Products - What is Worth Buying?

by: Amy Wells

It's no secret that men skin care products are becoming more popular. What once was considered a woman's market is now opening up to men. This is largely because of all the new discoveries in the skin care market that are proving to reduce the signs of aging and keep an attractive, youthful glow even at older ages. Men in their twenties up into their eighties are now looking to remain youthful in appearance.

So, what is being offered today when it comes to natural skin care for men?

It turns out some of the products are quite different from what is typically sold to women, though many of the active ingredients are the same. While skin has very basic needs for overall health whether it belongs to a man or a woman, there are some special considerations that are being made for men. Largely, these differences center on the way the men skin care products are applied and the problems they combat.


Products that deliver natural skin care for men have to be a little different than similar products for women. Rather than designing colorful masks that must sit on top of the skin for a half hour or more, men skin care products include liquids and flesh colored masks that seep down into the skin undetected.

Liquid facial fluids are extremely popular since they contain some of the most active ingredients proven to fight aging but are extremely easy and fast to apply.

Skin Problems

Men and women alike need products to combat acne or dry skin from time to time, but there are some skin problems that appear more on male skin. For instance, many men tend to get inflamed skin on the face that leads to unattractive redness. Creams, liquids, and other men skin care products are designed to combat inflammation for this reason.

Yet, it turns out the active ingredients that combat this common inflammation are things that benefit women as well. For instance, Cynergy TK is now being used for inflammation and redness but is also beneficial for stimulating the production of collagen and elastin to maintain firm skin.

When you look at the packaging and read the labels, men skin care products actually look and sound very similar to products aimed at women. Men can now buy eye creams that eliminate dry skin, bags, and wrinkles around the eyes. They can also buy a wide variety of creams for the face as well as for the entire body.

Click Here and discover effective men skin care products that diminish fine lines, dry skin, and other signs of aging.

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Thursday 26 September 2013

Successful Dating - Do Men Hold All The Power In Early Relationships?

by: Lucy OBrien

Is successful dating about a power struggle between the sexes? Many women think that men hold all the power in early relationships. After all, dating etiquette tells us that men should be active and women should be passive when we first meet. In today's society, we (women) are used to going after what we want and it's so frustrating when we have to sit back and wait for it to come to us. No wonder it seems that men have all the power.

For a start, they are the ones who are allowed to do the chasing. If we chase them, apparently it won't work. That can't be right! Then, to ensure successful dating, we're supposed to just sit there and wait for them to call. They can call us any time they like. But, if we call them, we are told, our relationship is doomed. I mean, just how fair is that? Then, there's that inevitable bit where he pulls away. He seems to be able to switch his emotions off and ignore us while we spend hours agonising over what we did wrong to make him disappear out of our lives.

Sometimes it feels as if dating is a nightmare and all our efforts are doomed. But is this really the case? Is there another way of looking at dating that can give us hope for success and allow us to regain our power?

The traditional role of the woman in dating is to flirt with the man and indicate her interest in him. This hopefully attracts him so that he is intrigued and wants to get to know her. It is then his job to make a move and ask her out on a date. This can be scary territory for a man. The woman gets to accept or reject his advances and, as you know, rejection can be painful. This puts a woman in a position of power, if ever there was one. In successful dating, women definitely do have choices.

Generally, most women don't have a problem getting through to the first date stage in a relationship. It is soon after this that the problems begin when they unknowingly give their power away by giving their heart away too early. When dating feels good early on, women have a tendency to mistake it for the real thing. They then get carried away by their expectations of being in a relationship, long before a man has even considered the idea.

If you want to keep your power with men, then you need to stop throwing yourself into relationships with any man that shows potential as a partner. Generally you create the relationship in your head before it even exists for him. For dating to be successful, don't even think about commitment until he has doubly proved his worthiness. Any man who senses your commitment in the early stages just won't feel comfortable with it. He will think you are desperate if you are prepared to become serious with just anybody.

This is when a man starts to "play up". He knows he has you dangling and he's going to see how far he can push you. To keep your power, you need to be wise to his tendency to take advantage. It's about knowing when he's trying to push his luck and not letting him get away with it.

Your power comes from your ability to say "no" to the things you don't want in your relationship. If you find it hard to say no to the man in your life, then you are probably struggling with dating. If you want to regain your power in dating and relationships, then learn to say no when instinct tells you that something isn't quite right. Saying no to a man when he is unreasonable, when he expects you to be available on demand (even if you want to be, don't, make sure you have your own fulfilling life) will boost your attractiveness in his eyes and get him intrigued as to why you are not always at his beckon call. When you learn that you can say no to relationships that aren't satisfactory, you will feel a shift in power in your relationships. This is the only way that dating is going to succeed. You will have the power because he will know that you're not going to put up with any bad behaviour.

Of course, all this takes good self-esteem and a strong sense of self-respect. You must believe that you are worthy only of good treatment from a man who values you. You must be fulfilled with or without him. And you should know what you are looking for and hold out for someone who meets your needs. When you have this confident attitude, he will be attracted to you. When he doesn't have a hold on you, that's when he will be pursuing you. He won't be able to do enough for you. When he's not quite sure if you're his, he will want to find out for sure. He will be seduced and enraptured and you will hold the power in your relationship. You will be successful at dating.

Stop giving your power away to men in dating and relationships. Take control by learning to be the woman that men adore and never want to leave by visiting Learn exact steps to drawing him close and making him powerless to resist you. You can take charge of your destiny when you have the right attitude to men and dating. Alternatively, please feel free to visit my web site where you will find plenty of advice and information for successful dating at

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Wednesday 25 September 2013

Viagra Side Effects: Learn about the possible dangerous side effect to this wonder drug

by: John Nilsen

Here is what I found after doing extensive research in the following publications:(they all have websites and archives on-line.) 1)British Medical Journal, 2) National Cholesterol Education Program 3)New England Journal of Medicine 4) CBS News
(Sources for info given below::1) 291:34, 19852 2) Pub. # 91-2732:11, 19913 3) 328:1213, 19934 3) 307:652, 1982.

Since being approved in March 2000 by the FDA, a total 130 Americans have died resulting from the complications and side effects cause my Viagra - 77 from coronary heart problems such as heart attacks. Others have suffered strokes and non-fatal heart attacks as a direct result of using Viagra. Pharmaceutical companies warn men not to take Viagra without a prescription from a doctor because of the many risks, especially for men taking nitroglycerin, which is a heart drug that lowers high blood pressure.

The British Medical Journal reports cases of men taking Viagra who maintained painful erections for up to 24 hours after ejaculation this complication is called priapism and I couldn't imagine the horror that must caused by this. This totally unnatural occurrence is so dangerous that it can actually damage the tiny valves in the penis veins, leading to permanent impotence. This condition would be more likely to strike young men in their prime who do not need Viagra but take more as a sexual performance enhancer than men who truly suffer from impotence.

Because of its affects a person's vision the inability to distinguish between blue and green, pilots are prohibited from taking it for 12 hours before flying. The last thing on earth you want to happen is to be stuck on a plane with 500 people which crashed all because the pilot couldn't differentiate the colors on the control panel in the cockpit because he popped a Viagra.

CBS News analyzed four years of Viagra adverse events reported to the FDA. There were eye problems in more than 800 patients with more than 140 cases of partial or total blindness. These reports alone aren't proof of a direct link, but, experts look to them for patterns.

The FDA asked manufacturers of Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra to revise product labeling after a very small number of patients taking the PDE5 inhibitors reported sudden hearing loss, sometimes accompanied by ringing in the ears and dizziness.

Pounding headaches, which are caused by the surge of blood to the meninges (the sheath protecting the brain) is just another of the many side-effect that are caused by Viagra. Other side effect that affect about 10% of men are blurred vision, a decrease tolerance to bright lights, stomach upset, nasal congestion, diarrhea and urinary tract infection. Facial flushing where the blood vessels to the face dilate causing redness, is also considered to be quite common.

The information above is quite a comprehensive list of the short term side-effects of Viagra usage, wait until you hear about the long term side-effects. Viagra can leave men unable to achieve erections without its use, thus creating life-long Dependence! This is what happened to me, it wasn't pretty and prompted me to look for other alternatives out there.

For more info and to find about the 5 cent herbal Viagra that Science Magazine said "Proved Definitely" to turn "Arousal into Erections" and for a free report "Top 8 dangerous Myths Men have about Erectile Dysfunctions that is killing their sexual health" go to the website in the bio box.

John Nilsen, Past Erectile dysfunction sufferer

For free report "Top 8 dangerous Myths Men have about Erectile Dysfunctions that is killing their sexual health".

Please go to:

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Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Why Men Shouldn't Fall In Love Too Soon

by: Joseph Matthews

Love is an extremely potent emotion, perhaps the most powerful on the planet. Almost all of us try to attain it during our lifetime. And we all want to find some amazing woman who will make us feel this way.

However, this desire to feel this way can be overwhelming, so much so that men will hurtle headlong into it. And oftentimes, later on, they'll be hurt by it.

A study done in the 1980s revealed that 90% of all relationships are ended by women. This means that 90% of men who've been in relationships have, at one time or another, had their hearts broken.

And when this happens, it can be a painful, gut-wrenching process. Anyone who's ever been dumped can tell you this.

Because of that, many men try and safeguard themselves by shutting down emotionally. They can still feel attraction and lust for women, but their hearts are always guarded to try and keep themselves from experiencing that hurt of being dumped again.

Women love to complain that men are never "in touch" with their feelings, and that they tend to be "emotionally distant" in relationships. But when a guy is trying to keep from getting hurt, it's pretty hard to open themselves up to their partner.

So this presents us with a problem.

Falling in love too quickly opens yourself up to the possibility of being hurt. But never allowing yourself to experience love for your partner can sabotage your relationships.

So what's a guy to do?

The answer to this is to keep your guard up early on, and then after the relationship is established, allow yourself to open up.

If you are so scared of being hurt, that you never allow yourself to experience the joy of being in love with a great woman, you are doing yourself a great disservice.

Men need to allow themselves to be open to their partners.

The problem is that too many guys do this TOO EARLY.

They meet a girl they like, they begin to imagine being with her, get themselves all worked up about actually believing they are "in love" - even before they've gone on the first date!

Then, the girl gets weirded out because she is no where near as familiar witht he idea of being "in love" with the guy, as he is with her, and she REJECTS him.

And then the guy gets hurt, and becomes miserable.

To avoid this situation, you have to learn the process of creating trust and comfort around women BEFORE you allow yourself to fall in love with them.

You can like a girl as much as you want, but you must keep reminding yourself not to get too attached until she's proven she feels the same way about you.

Keeping a girl at arm's distance early on helps you to screen her. It helps you see if she's the type of person YOU really want to be with.

It helps to guard your emotions so you don't get hurt. But more than that, it gives you the time needed to start forming genuine bonds and emotional connections with the girl.

Once those emotional connections begin to form and strengthen, the girl will begin to open up to you. At this point, you can allow yourself to open up to her as well, and give yourself permission to fall in love if the girl is the one for you.

Is there a risk you might still get hurt and rejected? Sure. That risk will ALWAYS be there.

The risk is reduced by easing into the situation. Do your work, create a strong bond, and you'll be far happier than if you go full bore into pronouncing your love for her.

Just remember the principle here - go slow. Falling in love is great! Falling in love too soon is the problem.

Get Joseph Matthew's free How To Meet Women newsletter and skyrocket your success with women right now: Nowhere else will you find better, more powerful techniques on meeting women that are sure to work for any man. Go here now:

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Sunday 22 September 2013

How To Get Rid Of Man Boobs? The Real Cause Behind Them!

by: Greg Pilfer

Have you ever tried to notice other men? Well, almost everyone does that. True. Most of the women who notice men might simply look at them and turn away or notice them carefully. Men, too, notice other men to confirm if they are more fit or attractive than them. But have you ever come across a guy who is moving around having man's boobs. Well! In other words, is it easy to spot men who are obese so much so that their protruding chest seems more like man's boobs. Before we get into details of how to get rid of man boobs, let us know why this problem occurs.

This situation, in medical terms is known as gynecomastia. When boys start growing up, it might be possible that they get to witness some undesirable changes in their body. Teenage boys, especially in the age group 12 to 18 are the ones who might face situations where they witness some undesirable hormonal changes in their body. These changes might cause pain in the nipples and the surrounding area might feel painful or extremely tender to touch.

These hormonal changes are caused because of fluctuations in the female hormone, oestrogen during the puberty stage. In most of the cases, these changes are completely normal and not a cause of worry. However, if a man, who is old enough, notices development of man's boobs in his body, then he needs to take it a little more seriously and find out the ways to get rid of man boobs.

In most of the cases, obesity is the main reason, for making the male breasts appear large. Apart from this, development of man's boobs can be an indication of many other health problems and that is why it becomes very important to get rid of man boobs. Some of the other causes behind man's boobs might also include liver disease or an overactive thyroid gland. Most of the doctors advise their patients to lose chest fat in order to get rid of man's boobs.

There are several ways in which one can seek to get rid of man boobs. After getting down to the real cause of the problem, one needs to decide whether he will need to lose chest fat or will they deflate on their own over a period of time. If none of this helps, there are certain drugs available as well to lose chest fat. How to lose man boobs effectively requires you to identify the route cause of the problem and then opting for the right cure.

Find all about Greg Pilfer and how to get rid of man boobs at

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Friday 20 September 2013

Why Men Need To Use a Hydrating Facial Mask

by: Margaret Bell

Today's hydrating facial masks are not like the one's grandma used. They are designed for the man in today's world. What is the best hydrating facial mask for men? Let find out.

Ingredients Are the Key

In order to figure out which of the many products on the market is the best, you simply need to read the label of ingredients and watch out for any warning labels. If the label says that the product should not be use on broken or inflamed skin, don't buy it.

Caution Danger Alert - Do Not Use Synthetic Ingredients

Warnings to contact a poison control center in case of accidental consumption should scare you away, too. If you apply it to your skin, you may be the same as eating it. Much of what contacts the skin can go into the bloodstream. ALWAYS use natural ingredients where possible for anything.

Practically everyone knows that anything applied to the skin will penetrate through it and into the bloodstream. That's how the medicated patches for smoking cessation, birth control and weight loss work. The chemicals in the patch are gradually released into the bloodstream.

So, it should be obvious that poisonous chemicals should not be applied to the skin. But, the big cosmetic companies don't seem to “get it”.

Buy From a Reputable Company That Cares About You

The best mens hydrating facial mask will not bear warnings of any kind. The ingredients it contains will be safe enough to eat, because those are the only kinds of ingredients you should use on your face.

What will it do for you? What are the benefits?

Improving the skin's moisture content is an obvious benefit. The most effective ingredient for that purpose is called Functional Keratin.

Keratin is one of the skin's main proteins. It works to absorb moisture and pull it into the skin's cells. With regular use, Functional keratin can improve your skin's ability to retain moisture, by increasing the amount of keratin present in the skin's layers.

A mens hydrating facial mask can also make you look younger. If your skin is excessively dry, right now, you might notice a difference after the very first use. If not, you may have to wait a little bit to see an improvement.

Important Ingredients

Over time, Functional Keratin and other beneficial ingredients can reverse wrinkles and improve firmness, fade age spots and reduce inflammation, as well as the redness that accompanies it. Who knew that a single product could do all of that.

To be honest, you cannot expect the bi-weekly use of a mens hydrating facial mask to make all the difference. If you want to see the best results, you will want to use a few other good products, too and maybe change your skincare routine just a little bit.

Stop Using Alcohol-Based After Shaves

If you're the kind of guy that splashes on aftershave and loves the burn, you definitely need to make some changes. The burn is caused by petroleum-based alcohols. It is not good for your skin. Eventually, the redness it causes can become chronic, because of underlying inflammation.

What you should be using after shaving is a good daytime moisturizer designed specifically for men. To increase the benefits, use a mens hydrating facial mask every two weeks. That way, your skin will look its very best.

And now please visit the HydratingFacialMask website listed below for updated information on mens hydrating facial mask.

And now I would like to invite you to visit for FREE Instant Access to a more information on Mens Hydrating Facial Mask and how it will enhance your appearance.

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Thursday 19 September 2013

Skin Care For Men and Women - Are They Really Different?

by: Dorothy A. Pela

Let's face it; skin care for men had been a forbidden subject for a long time. You see, up until recently it was not considered a very "masculine" thing for a man to care for the looks of his face, let alone walk into a store and buy creams or lotions!

But, things have certainly changed. According to sales statistics, the men skin care industry is thriving. Men are becoming more conscious of the way they look and a healthy, young, radiant and smooth male face is an important ticket to success, both on a social as well as on a professional level.

It is true, however, that so far the skin care industry has been geared into designing creams that cater to the needs of the female skin, rather than the male. The question is:

Are there so many differences between skin care for men and women, so as to make necessary the design of wholly different products for the two sexes?

The answer to this question is a no and a yes: No, there are not very distinct differences and yes, there are some subtle differences that should be taken into consideration.

First, the similarities. The basic biological mechanisms that are responsible for aging are the same, regardless whether you are a man or a woman. These are:

1) Depletion of your body's own stock of collagen and elastin.

In case you have never heard of them before, these are two of the most important proteins that are produced by your skin. These are the underlying cause that your skin looks firm and smooth. When you are young, there is no problem, as these proteins are produced in abundance. However, when you get older, their production starts decreasing. That's when wrinkles start to appear and sagging becomes noticeable.

A high quality skin care for men and women should include ingredients that stimulate your skin to produce more collagen and elastin.

One such ingredient that I personally use (by the way, my husband also uses it and loves it) and recommend, is Cynergy TK. This is amazing stuff. It has been clinically proven to stimulate the generation of both collagen and elastin and also help create entirely new cells.

2) The second biological process responsible for aging is skin cell damage by free radicals. These are atoms or groups of atoms that are created primarily by our exposure to the harmful UV sun radiation and the various toxins that we come into contact in our daily lives.

Therefore, a high quality men skin care should include powerful antioxidants that will eliminate those harmful radicals.

One such ingredient is Phytessence Wakame. This has Japanese origin and is all natural, extracted from a kind of seaweed collected from the sea around Japan. It high antioxidant potency has been clinically proven beyond any doubt.

As mentioned above, effective skin care for men should also take into consideration the special needs of male skin.

In contrast to women, men have to shave and they are generally more exposed to the hardships of outdoor activities. Therefore, male skin suffers from inflammation and irritation.

A solution to this particular men skin care need is provided once again by Cynergy TK. By its chemical activity on PGE2 (a substance created from inflammation), it effectively blocks it and so prevents inflammation and redness of the skin.

To learn more about other fascinating ingredients suitable for men skin care and find out about products I recommend, visit my website today.

Dorothy A. Pela has been using and researching about natural skin care products for a long time. Visit her site now to learn everything you need to know about the latest breakthroughs in natural skin care:

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