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Wednesday 9 October 2013

The Solution for Men's Pants that Won't Stay Up

by: Janine Giorgenti

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If you have this problem, you are not alone. Six out of ten men suffer with the "lose my pants syndrome." Basically, their bellies are larger than their rear ends, making it almost impossible to keep their pants up where they belong. One man describes himself as the "ice cream cone-shaped Ralph Kramden from The Honeymooners," wide in the middle, smaller in the hips, even smaller in the thighs... Hmm...Sound familiar?

Where Have All the Bottoms Gone?

As the waistline increases, the bottom appears smaller. Age and gravity also have a cruel, ravaging effect on once-plump derrieres. When the hips are smaller than the waist, there is nothing to anchor the pants, so they slowly work their way south. Men try to accommodate this by ratcheting up their belts. Some even resort to suspenders.

Men who have trouble keeping their pants up fear sitting, squatting, and moving about too freely. Their mind is always on keeping their pants up, as you see them walking around, constantly pulling and lifting, hoisting and tugging, in a vain effort to defy gravity. This is not only uncomfortable and unnerving, but gives a sloppy appearance.

Stock Men's Pants Miss the Mark

Off-the-rack men's dress pants are not designed with this build in mind. Manufacturers mistakenly miss the mark and cut for the so-called "ideal standard men's shape." Traditional men's pants are cut with a seven-inch ratio between the waist and seat. In other words, a size 36 pants would have a 36″ waist and a 43″ hip. This leaves many men who find pants that fit their waist with the "droopy drawers, parachute syndrome." Or if they find a pair of pants that fits their rear, they can't zip their fly. There has to be a better way.

The "Bottom Line" Solution

The real solution is to have pants custom made to fit and flatter your shape. Buying pants made to your waist and inseam measurements is not enough to address your fit challenges. Your pants should be designed to fit your waist, hip and thigh, as well as inseam and outseam measurements.

What Fabric Is Best?

Casual pants should be made of a good quality cotton twill, chino or poplin. Many pants today have 3% Lycra for added comfort and stretch. For dress slacks, choose high-quality wool fabrics such as gabardines or sturdy file weaves. Look for a high yarn count such as Super 100's to Super 130's so that they hold their crease, shape and wrinkle less. Wool blends are okay if they are made of quality yarns.

What Should the Style of the Pants Be?

The style should be a simple, flat front or single-pleated to eliminate bulk. The pants should not be tight, but should be a trim cut, especially in the thigh area, continuing down to the knee.

There should be a rubberized strip in the waistband for friction and to keep your shirt from pulling out of your pants. Suspender buttons should be included for braces (suspenders), if desired. Cuffs can be optional, as well as preferred pocket details.

So now you know! There is no need to struggle with dress pants that won't stay in place and just don't fit your frame. Have your pants custom designed for your build and they will look nicer on you, stay in place and feel much more comfortable.

Copyright (c) 2008 Janine Giorgenti

Janine Giorgenti is a renowned fourth generation Italian designer, image consultant and custom clothier. Visit her website at for more style advice and fashion tips.

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Monday 7 October 2013

Make a Man Fall In Love - 5 Powerful Strategies To Make Sure He Falls For You

by: Lucy OBrien

If you want to make a man fall in love with you then you need to know what works with men. Many women make the mistake in relationships of treating a man in a similar way to how they would treat another woman. Then this causes them problems when the man doesn't respond as they would expect. Men have very different attitudes around relationships and emotions so the things that a woman would expect to work often just don't. If you want to make a man fall in love here are 5 powerful strategies to help you avoid the mistakes that most women make and ensure he falls for you:

Make Sure You Put Yourself First

Put your self respect and your own interests before your relationship with him. Many women think that in order to get that guy, they have to meet his every request. They give and give until they are drained. They think if they give their all, then he will appreciate it and love them more. Now, this might work with women but it does not work with men. If you want to make a man fall in love with you, you need to be a little selfish.

A man will value you more and respect you if you put yourself first much of the time. This doesn't mean using him or taking advantage but it does mean having your own life and doing your own thing without him. It will drive him crazy if he spends time missing you and wondering what you are up to, or if he asks you out and you tell him you can't make it because you have something else on. Even if he complains, don't give in. If you can do this, he will feel less pressured and he really will appreciate you more.

Take Your Time to Build The Chemistry

Don't be in a rush. Take your time to build the chemistry. A man will only want to stay with you if he feels good in your relationship. Make sure that the time he spends with you is fun and enjoyable. Laugh together and have some activities that you can do together which you both enjoy. Whenever possible, accentuate the feminine in the way you act, dress and do your hair. He will love it if you are joining in his favourite outdoor activity one minute and then dressed like a lady the next. After spending quality time together, pull away slightly to let him miss you. When he feels good with you and has plenty of opportunity to miss you, he will start to fall madly in love with you.

Support His Goals and Missions

Even if these take him away from you, you have to learn to let him go willingly if you want him to fall in love with you. Men are generally project oriented and need the space to follow their goals. If you sulk or pout when he needs his own space, or try to pressurise him into seeing you more, he will feel trapped. Give him the space he needs and he will start to feel safe enough to open up to a relationship with you. Deny him this and he will flee like an animal escaping the cage.

Control Your Emotions

Emotions can be scary territory for men, and unfortunately, dating can be a time when many of these can be unleashed in a woman. To make a man fall in love with you, it is essential that you let him see that you are emotionally stable at the beginning of a relationship. If you allow him to feel the full weight of your emotions before he knows you properly, you will frighten him off. When he pulls away which every new man does, stay cool, don't panic and wait for him to return. If you want to keep him, you must stay in control at all times.

Less Talk - More Space

When issues arise, tell him once, then back off and give him plenty of space. This takes some restraint, but it is so powerful and works wonders with men. Never try to convince him with words, tears, or tantrums that he should love you, or should want to have a relationship with you, or should anything else for that matter. Words do not have the same effect on men that they do with women. He will simply tune you out and carry on with his own way of doing things. If things are not quite as you would like in your relationship, pull away and wait to see if he comes after you. If you are important to him, he will return to resolve your issues.

I have given you 5 powerful strategies and, if you use them, you will have a solid foundation on how to make a man fall in love with you. Forget what you have been doing already, if it hasn't been working for you. Incorporate these actions into your life to skyrocket your dating and relationship success.

What are the secrets to captivating your man and having him love and cherish you? How do you get him to listen to you, connect to you and get close to you? What makes a man want to get married, and how can you take advantage of his natural wish to please you so that he will not be able to do enough for you? Visit to find out all this and more. Alternatively, please feel free to visit my website for plenty of advice and tips on how to succeed at dating:

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Sunday 6 October 2013

Why Can't Women Approach Men?

by: Joseph Matthews

I bet this is familiar to you...

A guy stands at a bar, surveying the scene for a woman he finds attractive. He's got his drink in his hand, trying to work up enough "liquid courage" to make his move.

He sees more than a few girls he'd like to meet. Maybe even a few of them notice him and send him a few "subtle signals" to let him know it's okay to approach.

Unfortunately, most guys may not pick up on those "subtle signs" and wind up standing there, drink in hand, wondering when the courage to approach will overtake them.

Wouldn't it just be easier if the girl would approach the guy?

The answer is: YES! In a perfect world, the girl would approach the guy, and all uncertainty would be eliminated.

But this is a fairy tale. I'd say 98% of the women out there would never approach a guy - even if they find him attractive. And thinking that this is actually a POSSIBILITY is a major reason why most guys end up going home alone at the end of the night.

Here is a very simple FACT:

If you like a girl, and you're waiting around for her to approach you, you will be waiting a very, VERY long time!

Of course, this is a very frustrating reality for most men - especially shy men who desperately cling to the fantasy of a woman walking up to them and professing their undying love.

"If only it was easier!" They lament. "Why do men have to be the ones to approach women?"

To me, this question is like complaining "Why does the sky have to be blue? Why can't it be red?" The fact of the matter is this - it just is the way things are.

As to the question of WHY men have to be the ones to approach women, and not the other way around, we have to look at how our culture and tradition have shaped the way women are taught.

Historically, women have been extremely sheltered from men. A man with a daughter would want to keep her a virgin until marriage, so in order to court the girl, it was up to the man to take action because the woman would be sheltered by her father, her brothers, and any other male (and female) family members there may be.

This goes back to biblical times, where women were considered a "burden" because they could not perform hard manual labor or inherit wealth, such as sons were able to do.

Back then, if the woman was not a virgin, or worse, had a child out of wedlock, she was considered unworthy for marriage. That left the father caring for her the rest of his life.

Not exactly the ideal situation for the father, so as you can see, there was ample reason to keep his daughters "sheltered."

As time went on, and women became less sheltered, there was still a stigma attached to women who were too "forward." Women don't want to be shamed by being called a "slut" or a "tramp," so from a social perspective, women approaching men was always a big no-no. This doesn't stop women for letting their interest be KNOWN, but it does keep some of them from being too forward with their desires.

In the 80s, this was reversed for a while and feminist the world over said it was okay for a woman to ask a man out. However, once women saw how much it sucked to ask someone out and get rejected, they just stopped doing it. There's a reason that trend never caught on.

Unfortunately, though women seemed to come to their senses, due to the media exposure over the trend, I don't think many men caught onto the idea that women decided not to peruse this type of courtship. So now, we have a situation where it is okay for a "modern woman" to ask a man out. But just because it's okay to do something, doesn't mean people will do it.

Every time a guy comes to me and wants to understand why he has to be the one to approach a woman, I tell him to read the book "The Rules." It's basically a "pick up guide for women." But it has some very interesting psychology in it that men can learn a lot from. (I know that reading this book personally helped me understand a lot about the way women think!)

Basically, according to this book, a woman feels that if a man doesn't approach her, he's not attracted to her. So it's just easier to deal with the guys who approach because then they can decide whether or not they like them. After all, it's always preferable to go for a sure thing, right?

However, who are most of the guys who have no problem approaching women? Jerks and butt-holes! That's why most women have poor opinions about men, because the good ones are too scared or shy to approach, giving free reign to the self-absorbed morons who give our gender a bad name.

So if you look at it from a woman's perspective, allowing men to approach them is a preferable position to be in.

But let me say this - having the responsibility to approach women is actually a GOOD thing from a guy's perspective as well.

Sure, rejection and uncertainty suck. But we get to choose who we approach and only go after women we like. These poor girls who have to stand around and wait to be approached get losers walking up to them every day, using cheesy pickup lines and doing stupid things to try and impress them. If you were in their position, you'd probably get sick of it too.

This is one of the reasons I focus on approaching so much. Knowing how to effectively approach women really does empower you. It gives you ultimate choice in your love life.

Waiting for a woman to approach you is like waiting for Godot. It ain't never gonna happen. And if it does, the woman is either a "professional" or she'll most likely cheat on you the first chance she gets and break your heart.

That's just the way it goes. But instead of hating things the way they are, accept them and use them to your advantage! It's much easier than despairing about it and wishing things were different.

When you find yourself at a bar, drink in hand, remember that the choice is yours. Be GLAD you have that choice yourself, and have fun with it.

Meeting women doesn't have to be a chore. In fact, it SHOULDN'T be! It needs to be an enjoyable process. And the sooner you stop hating things "the way they are" and accept things as "the way they need to be," you can start having more fun and much more success in your love life.

Get Joseph Matthew's free How To Meet Women newsletter and skyrocket your success with women right now: Nowhere else will you find better, more powerful techniques on meeting women that are sure to work for any man. Go here now:

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Friday 4 October 2013

Calf Exercises for Men

by: Milburn olin

The first portion of a complete body sculpting routine for men is the upper body routine. Because many men are already comfortable with exercise for this area of the body, it's generally the part of the body that's well-defined and toned.

The calf is made of two main muscles, the gastrocnemius and the soleus, nicknamed in some languages "the twins". They manipulate the Achilles tendon - that's the big tendon just above your heel, behind the ankle - to produce the movements of the foot and toes.

One of the problems with bodyweight training programs is that your weight can sometimes be too heavy or too light. Take squats for instance. For most people their body weight won't provide enough resistance to get a good workout within a 'normal' repetition range.

Toning is something that both men and women strive to accomplish with their workouts. Women want to tone their trouble areas to create a leaner look that gives them a strong feminine shape, while men strive to tone their larger muscle groups to make them appear more cut and ripped. The best exercises for toning target individual areas of the body, and provide exceptional results at a fast rate.

These exercises for skinny guys emphasize working on the whole body, using compound exercises to build up several muscle groups at the same time. Compound exercises are more efficient in building muscle mass since no muscle group is left behind in the work out.

Another way to tone up and bulk up your lower body muscles is to do dead lifts. The concept is simple. Just lift the weight with both your arms. Dead lifts are a great way to tone your arms, shoulders, chest, back, hips, butts, abs, thighs, calf muscles and everything in between.

One of the best leg exercise that you can do with your bodyweight. This will make you become more stable and challenge your leg strength, endurance, balance and agility. In a standing position, raise one leg out as straight as possible in front of you, and squat down on one leg until your thigh touches your calf.

Not everybody has a jump rope on them right now, but a jump rope can be one of the best weight loss exercises because you use your arms, your calfs, legs, and explosive movements. People who jump rope tend to break a sweat rather quickly, so why not start today and start jumping rope!

Movements that involve deep concentration and create lots of burn are the best leg exercises for women. These include: leg extensions, leg curls, abductors, lunges (side and front), calf raises. Squats and leg presses are popular leg movements, but if you get too over-zealous you might be looking at a larger set of legs or bigger butt.

Studies done at the Baylor University Exercise and Sports Nutrition Laboratory showed that 30-minute workouts raised the heart rate of women and men to about 65 percent of their maximum. Thirty minutes was enough time to improve cardiovascular fitness.

Begin your fitness session with a five to ten minute stretching and warm up, and finish by cooling off for another five minutes. And then in the course of the rest of that session, make your workouts relatively brief. Your standard exercise sessions ought not last greater than 30 to 45 minutes.

The main reason why most people fail to build calves is they simply do not train them hard enough. Think about it. Your calves handle your body weight while standing, running, and walking and doing just about any other physical activity. This means they are already used to lots of stimulation and will only respond to super heavy weights.

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